cleaning products Archives - DevMar Products, LLC | Nashville & Middle TN

Healthier Workplace, Happier Employees During Flu Season

Healthier Workplace, Happier Employees During Flu Season_DevMar

Fever, chills, and massive headaches are the hallmark of one of the most dreaded viruses to hit the company breakroom. Influenza – commonly referred to as the seasonal flu – wreaks havoc on companies during the fall and winter months as coughing, sneezing, and runny noses spread germs from cubicle to cubicle, taking employees out one by one. According to the CDC, U.S. employees miss approximately 17 million workdays due to flu at an estimated $7 billion a year in sick days and lost productivity.

But companies do have a line of defense. Basic hygiene and proper infection control measures are […]

Using Adapt™ to keep a healthy and clean Workplace

There are many things that can hinder your business productivity and efficiency, but one of the most basic and important of them all is ‘cleanliness’. Many business owners, may not believe a clean workspace is a pressing issue when running their business, but keeping an office clean at all times, will make your employees more productive, and will keep your customers happy.

Some of the benefits of a clean office include:

– Reduction of stress
– Improving physical health
– Great first impression
– and saving time dealing with clutter

That is why we suggest using Adapt w/mPale […]

Natural Environmentally Friendly Household Cleaners

Many people use a vast array of chemical-laden household cleaners and products around the home on a daily basis.

What they may not be aware of is the fact that many of these chemicals can be damaging to their health when inhaled. Apart from the inhalation aspect, skin irritations often occur when coming into contact with many chemical cleaners.

Many disinfectants contain phenol ( aka carbolic acid ) or cresol. These can attack the central nervous system, liver, kidneys, spleen, and pancreas.

How can adding a load of chemicals to your home environment be good for your health and cleanliness. They […]