Cleaning Archives - DevMar Products, LLC | Nashville & Middle TN

How To Reduce Your Risk of Illness While Traveling On Family Vacation This Summer

Tips to Stay Healthy During Summer Vacation

You’ve been planning for months. That long-awaited family vacation to the beach is within sight. You can almost smell the saltiness of the ocean and feel the granules of sand tickling the soles of your feet.  Sixty-eight percent of all family travelers will embark upon a summer getaway this year, of which about half plan to pack up the car and hit the road to their chosen destinations. Other travelers elect to go by air or train. Despite the mod of travel, over 100 million Americans plan to go on a family vacation this year.

Unfortunately, along […]

Healthier Workplace, Happier Employees During Flu Season

Healthier Workplace, Happier Employees During Flu Season_DevMar

Fever, chills, and massive headaches are the hallmark of one of the most dreaded viruses to hit the company breakroom. Influenza – commonly referred to as the seasonal flu – wreaks havoc on companies during the fall and winter months as coughing, sneezing, and runny noses spread germs from cubicle to cubicle, taking employees out one by one. According to the CDC, U.S. employees miss approximately 17 million workdays due to flu at an estimated $7 billion a year in sick days and lost productivity.

But companies do have a line of defense. Basic hygiene and proper infection control measures are […]

How To Keep Employees Safe In Commercial Kitchens

Keep Employees Safe in Commercial Kitchens

The impact of slips, trips, and falls can be devastating. These incidences account for most workplace accidents in the U.S. and cost companies millions of dollars every year. Slips, trips, and falls contribute to about 15% of all workers’ compensation expenses and cost employers approximately $40,000 per incident. Around 30% of people who suffer a slip and fall sustain moderate to severe injuries including bruises, head injuries, and hip fractures. But the good news is that most slips, trips, and falls are the result of human error and can be avoided with proper training and care.

Using Adapt™ to keep a healthy and clean Workplace

There are many things that can hinder your business productivity and efficiency, but one of the most basic and important of them all is ‘cleanliness’. Many business owners, may not believe a clean workspace is a pressing issue when running their business, but keeping an office clean at all times, will make your employees more productive, and will keep your customers happy.

Some of the benefits of a clean office include:

– Reduction of stress
– Improving physical health
– Great first impression
– and saving time dealing with clutter

That is why we suggest using Adapt w/mPale […]